CBD Cannabis Oil in MCT 5% 1500 mg 30 ml

9 customer reviews

68.01 68.01

A bottle of CBD Cannabis oil (with a small pipette). Made from certified, hand-picked and organically grown cannabis mixed with coconut oil (MCT) for better absorption of cannabinoids.

This phytocannabinoids extract is a full spectrum extract, professionally made and laboratory-tested to ensure the highest quality and safety.

Discount applies when purchasing more:

DiscountQuantityUnit Price
-6%2 - 4 63.93
-10%5 - 9 61.20
-16%10 + 57.13

What is CBD oil Cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the naturally occurring cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. In most cases, products with CBD are considered to be food supplements that are recommended for daily consumption, in order to restore the tired body, improve your well-being and supplement your diet with the right ingredients. CBD cannabis Oil is not intoxicated, does not cause dizziness or euphoria.

CBD has strong anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antibacterial, anti-fungal properties. Suppresses the spread of cancerous or mutated cells and promotes apoptosis, perfectly helps to remove toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system.

CBD has strong antipsychotic properties and is therefore widely used to reduce depression, anxiety, aggression, and anger.

More about CBD Cannabis Oil

Why is coconut/MCT oil included?

Cannabinoids are broken down and are stored in fat versus water (fat-soluble), so are best consumed with fat to increase absorption. Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are one of the most effective fatty acids, because of their bioavailability to increase CBD and other beneficial substance absorption in the body. That’s why this product contains high-quality coconut oil, which mostly consists of saturated fat (MCT), which is an important carrier of cannabinoids. They help to facilitate cannabinoids in the body, stimulate their faster processing and thus support the endocannabinoid system.

MCT oil also has these properties:

  • Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties
  • Positive effect on hormonal balance
  • Contributes to regulating blood sugar levels
  • Increases insulin sensitivity
  • Improves brain function
  • Helps to absorb nutrients
  • Stimulates metabolism

Product Features

This nutritional supplement CBD cannabis oil is intended to support the proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system and the body’s balance. The proper functioning of the endogenous cannabinoid system (endocannabinoid system) is vital. Due to environmental or genetic factors, the human endocannabinoid system is weakened and, without timely assistance, influences the development of certain health problems. Proper nutrition, physical activity and well-balanced cannabis products help maintain the functioning of the endocannabinoid system – one of the most important body systems.

CBD oil has these properties:

  • Immunomodulatory
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-cancer
  • Antioxidant
  • Anxiolytic
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Antipsychotic
  • Neuropathogenic
  • Analgesic
  • Anti-fungal
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-diabetic

CBD Cannabis Oil is often used for:

  • Sleep, digestion, mood enhancement
  • Stress reduction
  • Rehabilitation of the body after severe physical activity
  • Body clearance in case of intoxication

30 ml bottle contains 1500 mg CBD/CBDA. And this is about 600 droplets. In a single droplet, there is about 2,5 mg CBD. CBD (Cannabidiol) is an immune system modulator, which is ideal for everyday use. This cannabinoid has no psychoactive effect, no addiction. No signs of withdrawal or health-related side effects have been reported.



Pilno spektro CBD aliejus

9 reviews for CBD Cannabis Oil in MCT 5% 1500 mg 30 ml

  1. indre.komskyte

    Only the best reviews, both about the product and about the company.
    I have always wanted to try CBD oil because I’m really interested in the benefits of cannabis. I have read a variety of articles claiming cannabis/ CBD to be a cure for all diseases and recommended for prophylactic use. I had the opportunity to test this We Are Canna product. I’ll say frankly, at first I was a little worried, thinking there would be some minimal side effects or something like that. But there was none side effects, ONLY positive ones! The taste at first seemed weird, but I got used to it very quickly and now I enjoy it. I consume oil (10-20 drops) before going to bed. I didn’t complain about the quality of sleep, but I noticed that sleeping is now better than before. In addition, atopic dermatitis (especially when it comes to winter/cold) occurs occasionally on the fingers of my hands. Only after 2 days of using the oil, I noticed that the irritation is completely GONE! Furthermore, it seems that hair started to shine much more, and the mood is perfect and I’m not so easy to be disturbed! 😀
    So I want to thank We Are Canna, not only for the miraculous medicine but also for the warm, sincere, REAL, interaction. Nowadays, companies that care for their customers so much is a rare phenomenon.
    Go We Are Canna !!! <3

  2. ilona0516

    Pirkau alieju teciui, kuriam buvo isoperuotas smegenu auglys. We are canna labai daug suteike informacijos apie kanapes. Labai greitai atsiunte produktus i LT. Manau kad teciui aliejus tikrai padeda, nes geriant chemija nebuvo bloga, plaukai neslinko, apetitas geras ir jauciasi gerai. Tikrai rekomenduoju!

  3. Zivile Bobrowski

    Perkame sūneliui, pradėjus naudoti cbd, lyg ir labiau atsirišo kalba, todek tesim toliau. Servisas super, aciū, kad esate!

  4. greta.gabriel

    Rekomenduoju kiekvienam isbandyti siuos produktus. Jie yra auksciausios kokybes, sertifikuoti, patikimi. Ir mielai atsakys, patars i jusu rupimus klausimus. Nedvejokite ir parasykite 🙂 aciu uz viska Andriau 🙂

  5. agnotux

    Kanapių aliejaus nauda domėjausi ilgą laiką, tačiau vis atidėliojau dėl savo nepagrįstų baimių… Sūnus turėjo problemų dėl dėmesio koncentravimo, emocijų nestabilumo. Pradėjus vartoti aliejų, sūnus keitėsi akyse : sumažėjo pykčio, agresijos, atsirado kompromisai, kurie palengvino gyvenimą . Taip pat atsirado daugiau savarankiškumo, noro daryti viską pačiam. Kurį laiką aliejaus nevartojome (atostogų laikotarpis), skirtumas buvo akivaizdus. Tad, kad aliejus padeda, įsitikinome visa šeima !
    Ačiū we are canna komandai už pagalbą renkantis, dozės parinkimą, domėjimąsi, kaip sekasi. Tik geriausi atsiliepimai apie šį produktą ir jo naudą!

  6. Loreta Vaitaitiene

    Ši produkta man rekomendavo, nes mano sunus mazai kalba, buna irzlus, piktas, nervingas, labai sunkiai sekasi uzmigti. Isbandziusi jau daugiau kaip menesi, jauciamas pagerejimas, vaikas linksmas, maziau pyksta, sukoncentruoja demesi ivairioms veikloms. Atsirado pavieniu zodziu ko iki tol nebuvo. Beje mane labai nustebino toks siltas bendravimas We are canna komandos puiku, tikrai labai smagu jums rasyti, klausti visada gaunu atsakymus. Operatyviai pristatote produktus cia uzsisakiau, kita diena jau turiu. Labai dekui kad esate.

  7. Birutė Volosevičienė

    Geriu lašus 3sav. Jau po 2 dienų normalizavosi kraujo spaudimas. Nereikia gerti vaistų nuo spaudimo, Turiu labai daug energijos. Labai gera nuotaika.
    Labai dėkinga už išsamias konsultacijas.

  8. oksiukas29

    išbandėme alieju gydant meline.Vaikas nukrito nuo dviračio ranka buvo mėlyna istepus ranka praejo per pora dienų

  9. Juste Petrulyte

    Žiūrėjau skeptiškai i šį produktą,tačiau susigundžiau išbandyti savo sūnui- autistui.
    Poveikis labai labai nustebino,pagerėjo miego kokybė,elgesys pasitaise- tapo ramesnis,dingo agresija.
    Ačiū už puiku produktą.

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