What is CBD Cannabidiol?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the naturally occurring cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. In most cases, products with CBD (oils, extracts, capsules) are considered to be food supplements that are recommended for daily consumption, in order to restore the tired body, improve your well-being and supplement your diet with the right ingredients. CBD is not intoxicated, does not cause dizziness or euphoria.
CBD has strong anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antibacterial, anti-fungal properties. Suppresses the spread of cancerous or mutated cells and promotes apoptosis, perfectly helps to remove toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system.
CBD has strong antipsychotic properties and is therefore widely used to reduce depression, anxiety, aggression, and anger.
Product Features
This nutritional supplement is intended to support the proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system and the body’s balance. The proper functioning of the endogenous cannabinoid system (endocannabinoid system) is vital. Due to environmental or genetic factors, the human endocannabinoid system is weakened and, without timely assistance, influences the development of certain health problems. Proper nutrition, physical activity and well-balanced cannabis products help maintain the functioning of the endocannabinoid system – one of the most important body systems.
Cannabinoid extract has these properties:
- Immunostimulatory
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-cancer
- Antioxidant
- Anxiolytic
- Anticonvulsant
- Antipsychotic
- Neuropathogenic
- Analgesic
- Anti-fungal
- Antibacterial
- Anti-diabetic
CBD Capsules are often used for:
- Stress reduction
- Sleep, digestion, mood enhancement
- Rehabilitation of the body after severe physical activity
- Body clearance in case of intoxication.
One box contains 30 CBD capsules. Each capsule contains about 25 mg CBD/CBDA. CBD (Cannabidiol) is an immune system modulator, which is ideal for everyday use. This cannabinoid has no psychoactive effect, no addiction. No signs of withdrawal or health-related side effects have been reported.
Jolanta –
Tikrai verta išbandyti (vartoju kanapių aliejų bei kapsules)-dingo skausmai, stipriai sumažėjo lėtinis alerginis rinitas – (kasdien ir naktį daug metų vargindavo sloga, čiaudulys-antiaalerginius vaistu vartodavau beveik kasdien)…Taip pat pagerėjo miegas, išnyko nuolatinis lėtinis nerimas..Esu tikrai nustebinta teigiamu poveikiu!!! Taip pat dėkoju we are canna komandai už profesionalius, mokslo įrodytus patarimus, išsamią informaciją, operatyvų produktų pristatymą!!!!
indre.komskyte –
I use cannabis oil for atopic dermatitis – it appears on my hands from time to time. I had the opportunity to use CBD in both oil and capsule form – both of which heal my hands in a few days and prevent it from occurring in at least a month ahead.
What is the difference between oil and capsules? Capsules simply are easier to use and will be perfect for those who don’t like the specific taste of cannabis. And both versions are invaluable! Thanks so much We Are Canna!
rasa.mal –
Kaip ir cbd aliejus yra super produktas. Rezultatai akivaizdūs, patogus vartoti. Ačiū.